Michigan Assault Lawyer Explains The Importance of a Good Lawyer-Client Relationship If You Are Facing a Michigan Assault Charge.
As a Michigan Assault Lawyer, I concentrate on defending those accused of Assaultive crimes, which includes Michigan Assault and Battery, Domestic Violence (also called Domestic Assault), Aggravated Assault, Aggravated Domestic Violence (also called Aggravated Domestic Assault), Resisting and Obstructing a Police Officer (also called R&O or Assault on a Police Officer), Felonious Assault (also called Assault With a Dangerous Weapon), Assault With Intent to do Great Bodily Harm Less Than Murder (also called Assault GBH), Assault With Intent to Murder, and the like.
With a high demand and a particular focus on these Michigan Assault charges, my criminal defense practice enjoys the pleasure of selective representation; nowadays, I seem to choose my clients just as much as they choose me.
Don't get me wrong, with possible Jail or Prison on all of these types of Assault cases, every person facing a Michigan Assault charge deserves (and absolutely needs) top-notch representation by a real Michigan Assault Defense Lawyer who genuinely cares what happens to them. But I've also learned that there are many different personality types, and some work well together, while others don't. Like a good business partnership, you and your Michigan Assault Lawyer must be capable of working to achieve a common goal under pressured circumstances.
During the initial, free, face-to-face consultation at my office, I most often meet with nice people facing Michigan Assault charges who are calm, collected, respectful, and genuinely concerned with the outcome of their Assault case. Even though they may feel that the Assault charges are ridiculous and protest their innocence, they display a calm demeanor and they accept their current circumstances for what they are. Even if they feel that they are guilty, they are level-headed and goal-oriented. These are the clients who I seek and am honored to defend as a Michigan Assault Defense Lawyer.
On the other hand, I sometimes meet with a person facing one of the various types of Felony or Misdemeanor Michigan Assault charges who displays anger and an inability to control themselves. These are the people that I decline to represent. I call them the "angry" ones. As a Michigan Assault Defense Lawyer, I understand as much as anyone that facing an Assault charge in Michigan is a terrible experience that tests one's character like no other. And it is okay and appropriate to feel angry, but there is a fine line between feeling angry and displaying your anger.
But you must remember: when I represent a person against a Domestic Violence, Resisting and Obstructing, Assault and Battery, Felonious Assault, etc. charge, I must present you to the Court and perhaps even to a Jury. Many Michigan Assault cases are your word against someone else's (perhaps even someone with a badge), and the only way to find truth is to judge credibility and character. They are WATCHING you for any signs of aggressiveness or lack of self-control, and things can go very, very wrong if you appear in the wrong light. If a person is unable to control themself upon first meeting with a Michigan Assault Defense Lawyer, then the lawyer can only assume that they would behave the same way in Court. Even worse, when it comes to those facing an Assault charge, the "angry" ones seem to be most likely to believe that their Michigan Assault Lawyer is their therapist. DON'T be one of the "angry" ones!
One thing is for certain: if you are charged with a Michigan Assault, Domestic Violence, or Resisting and Obstructing, then I am ALREADY 100% interested in your case. Don't make any decisions until we at least talk. Call The Law Office of Brian J. Prain, PLLC, your Michigan Assault Lawyer, at (248) 731-4543. Let's find out if you and I would make a good defense team. If not, it won't cost you a penny, and I can help you find a better match. What are you waiting for?